Monday 12 June 2017

A Guide to the Delicate yet Pervasive art of Self Manipulation

Directly from the expert.

Self Manipulation is, like most others, a complex art. There are various techniques to it. I will share the details of the one I have mastered, through dedicated practice and application over years.

Step 1 :-
First step is very simple. Start with a conclusion, irrespective of its connection to reality. Irrespective of whether its yours or not.
Eg :- I am an Elephant. 
This is sort of a secret step, eventually you will master the art of carrying out this step without even realising it.

Step 2 :-
Identify all information and experiences relating to that conclusion.
Eg :- In school I was taught that I am a Human. Elephants drink water. Elephants can have babies. 

Step 3 :-
Break down all that information and experiences into tiny unrelated pieces. This is the tricky bit, just like meditation, it takes time to master. It can be frustrating. I dunno, lucky me, I did all this unconsciously! :p

Eg no. 1 :- In school I was taught I was a human. 

Separate Eg no. 1(because this and the previous statement are absolutely unconnected) :- Elephants drink water. 

Separate Eg no. 2(because this and the previous statement are absolutely unconnected) :- Elephants can have babies.

Step 5 :-
Now this is the genius bit. Your Welcome!
Now deal with all these pieces of information as independent of each other, use whatever reasoning that connects each of this piece to the conclusion.

Eg no. 1 :- In school I was taught I was a human. But the teacher is stupid, Lol. I am an elephant! Yay!

Separate Eg no. 1(because this and the previous statement are absolutely unconnected) :- Elephants drink water. So do I, I am an elephant! Yay!

Separate Eg no. 2(because this and the previous statement are absolutely unconnected) :- Elephants can have babies. So can I, I am an elephant! Yay!

That way you can use whatever unreal reason you have for every bit, and all of it leads to the the conclusion! Voila! Now how can this be possible if the conclusion isn't true, eh?

Let me tell you, its not easy to start with, but with a dedicated heart and mind, you can achieve anything, no?! All the very best! :*


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