Monday 23 January 2017

6 (or 7) thoughts I would like to share today..

Trying to control the future or the past is actually giving up control. And yes I mentioned past too.. 

SHOW of strength is usually a cover up of vulnerability. 

Whats the point of falling in love if it doesn't change you?

We make a bigger deal of things by not talking about it. 

The person who can share their weaknesses and vulnerabilities is stronger than the person who doesn't!

And my favourite,
Complete acceptance makes perception equal to reality. 

P.S. Maths can be as creative as you can make it! 

Thursday 19 January 2017

Can't think of a title! 😂

Stay on the ground
No messing around
What you have said
We only accept
If through our limitations
We can process
Not perception
Not realization,
Just plain logical deduction
Safe it is and sound it is
Walking with two feet on ground it is

Saying to all what they can accept
Leaving out thy individual aspect
Cause fear oh fear rules our world
No faith beyond what is confirm
So claimers of the space beyond
Are weird, scary, not the norm

Only explain where we can walk
Ur wings are urs
Dont use them, block
And water, oh its only for the fish,
After all, can u in water breathe?
But to those who think that fish and birds
Are inferior to ur logical brain
It shows ur fear , ur limitation
Not greatness, far from perception

Just like the fish and birds that fly
U might have ur wings, those gills
But oh no use, no use are they
To taste the feel of sand on land

Be open to what u can see
And much beyond what can be perceived
Cause no u weren't just meant to walk
It is but just one small support
A walking stick for a mountaineer

So let all and leave all
Take u, leave u, experience u
Open ur heart and brain and soul
And Infinite will become thy life!

Friday 13 January 2017

Why can't I cry?

In the last few days I have been close to tears multiple times, sometime for hours together. I'm not sure whether it is Yatra blues or some catharsis of sorts brought to surface by this amazing and overwhelming experience. But for some reason I just can't bring it out. In fact sometimes even when I'm enjoying a lot, these emotions surface. But then its as if I just switch off. Something shuts down. The circuit trips because of overloading.

It leaves me feeling very stifled. I don't know why I made these choices of wanting to be 'strong' all the time. Now when I don't want it, when I want to reverse it, it seems like an impossible task.

I genuinely feel being able to cry is a sign of strength, not weakness.

I hope someday this understanding goes deeper within and I can cry freely! 

Thursday 12 January 2017

Good or Bad? None, Fuck you!!

Why is everything good or bad? Why are we either good at something or bad at it? Why is the right to do something only there if you are good at it? Why can't we just be, just do; for the joy of it, for the love of it?

I think this dichotomy puts a lot of pressure on people, to experiment, to explore..
I'm not saying don't be honest, let people who aren't 'good' at something , in the social sense of it, be told that they are amazing at it. But let them be, why can't a bad singer sing or dance their heart out? Don't make superstars out of them, but at least give the space to do it!

I feel this method of functioning of society slowly kills the joy out of individuals, filling us with fear for even the slightest bit of expression, moulding us into the shape of this socially acceptable area of safety.

Being intellectual, mature, socially acceptable doesn't make the heart beat, nor does it make our soul smile....and I believe that really is what matters! 


It is so easy to slip Into that structured slide That we have created to Survive Could be of comfort Of routine Of self pity, of num...